Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 - still a long ways to go

I have been following The Frugal Girl for quite a while now.  I have been trying to reduce my food waste, and some weeks have good success, but other weeks are pretty bad.

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="FoodWasteFriday " src=" "/></a></center>

Not sure how this all will work out - but I thought I'd resurrect the blog and attempt to honestly track waste this year.

I'm half-heartedly attempting a pantry challenge this month, but prior to the new year, I managed to purchase a LOT of groceries that just never got eaten.

So I finally threw out (into the compost at least):
  1. english cucumber (whole)
  2. 1 large box of prepared salad
  3. 1 box of 'live' lettuce
I'm sure when I go to clean the fridge out I will find some more....

Hopefully I will do better next week!

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